Tips for Choosing a Pet Friendly Restaurant in Cancun

Dining out is an experience to be enjoyed with friends and family, including our faithful pets! Here are five tips for choosing a pet friendly restaurant in Cancun that is perfect for you and your pet.

Know your options

Before leaving home, research restaurants in your area. Checking online or on specialized apps like TripAdvisor can help you easily find places, reading reviews can give you an idea of what to expect. You can also look for restaurants’ Instagram or Facebook accounts and see if they have information or photos of their guests; this to confirm if they really are pet friendly.

  1. Check the Restaurant’s Policies

Once you’ve identified some potential restaurants, contact them to find out their specific pet policies. Some may have size or breed restrictions, while others may have designated areas.

  1. Consider Location and Setting

Choose a location that has a quiet and safe environment for your pet. It is best to avoid places with heavy traffic or excessive noise such as loud music with sounds that can make them feel restless and stressed.

  1. Check for Comfort

Before making a reservation, check if it has outdoor areas or a relaxed environment that is comfortable, safe and relaxing for your visit, remember that puppies can become sensitive to a different environment than the one they are used to.

  1. Trial visit

Try a pre-visit so you can see what the place is like, if you think your pet will feel safe. In addition, you will have the opportunity to explore the facilities and perhaps choose the best place for you when you go with your little companion.

Choosing the right pet friendly restaurant can make your dining out even more special. If you are looking for a place with a good atmosphere, excellent seafood with a good seasoning Erizo is the best option for you and your best friend to enjoy a fun afternoon or evening.

Book now to live an experience Erizo style, we are waiting for you!